Arthritis Life

Climbing the Mountain of Chronic Pain: Dr Furlan on Pain

Episode Summary

Host Cheryl Crow, OT and Dr. Andrea Furlan, MD discuss the latest in pain science and help you understand how lifestyle factors like sleep and exercise can reduce chronic pain. They reflect on how the words we use about pain can make a difference, and Dr Furlan explains what “conquering” means in the context of her new book: “8 Steps to Conquer Chronic Pain a Doctor’s Guide to Lifelong Relief.” Dr. Furlan reminds listeners that while some people might question the severity of your pain, what you say is pain IS pain. She also shares her best advice for newly diagnosed patients: as you navigate the winding road of autoimmune arthritis, find support from those who've traveled it before - they can be your guide.

Episode Notes

Episode at a glance:

Medical disclaimer: 

All content found on Arthritis Life public channels was created for generalized informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Episode Sponsors

Rheum to THRIVE, an online course and group support program Cheryl created to help people with rheumatic disease go from overwhelmed, confused and alone to confident, supported and connected. See all the details and join the program or waitlist now! 

Full Episode Details plus Audio Transcription: 

Please go to the episode page on the Arthritis Life website for all the details!