Arthritis Life
Finding a Realistic Sense of Hope While Juggling Multiple Chronic Illnesses: Katie’s Story
Episode Summary
Have you ever done “everything right” and still had pain, fatigue or other symptoms of your chronic illness? You are not alone.
Episode Notes
You are not alone. In this episode, host Cheryl Crow and Rheum to THRIVE Graduate Katie Searfross discuss how to find a realistic sense of hope when coping with multiple fluctuating, complex chronic illnesses that are sometimes out of our control.
Katie shares how she copes and finds ways to hold on to moments of joy even when her symptoms of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD or complex regional pain syndrome), Migraine and Rheumatoid Arthritis remain. Katie and Cheryl share how they’ve learned to be gentle with themselves and patient in those tough moments when you do “everything right” and your symptoms remain. They also discuss the complexity of moments where you have to decide whether to push past your pain and when to slow down and listen to your body.
Katie and Cheryl also discuss the value of group support and a sense of community, which Katie found in Rheum to THRIVE. Katie also shares lessons she learned as a children’s pastor specializing in grief, which can apply to people with chronic illness as well.
Episode at a glance:
- Diagnosis story: Prior to her rheumatoid arthritis (RA) diagnosis, Katie knew she had other diagnoses including Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD or complex regional pain syndrome) and Migraine. As a result, it was difficult for her to recognize “normal” symptoms for RSD compared to out of the ordinary symptoms which pointed to a new diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.
- Pain and dissociating: Katie shares how she found herself dissociating from pain / distracting herself from pain, and needing to learn to reconnect with her body.
- Katie’s coping toolbox: At first, adjusting to RA diagnosis felt like losing everything. It’s frustrating to have days when you do everything right and still have pain. Katie shares how in Rheum to THRIVE, being provided with evidence-based tools to manage pain and fatigue while having acknowledgement of the reality that sometimes your symptoms will remain despite doing everything right was empowering. It’s a reminder that we can still focus on ways to find joy and thrive. Katie found freedom in knowing her diagnosis is not her fault, and learned to be gentle with herself.
- Social support: Katie shares how important it was for her to find a sense of authenticity, understanding, valid information and connection and how she found that in Rheum to THRIVE. Having expert guidance and an ability to ask questions helps to make sense of diagnosis, experiences, and lifestyle considerations.
- Lessons learned from Katie’s work in grief: Katie shares lessons she has learned in her work as children’s pastor with adults and children who are grieving; many of these lessons can also help people with chronic illness, including learning to be gentle with yourself.
- Katie’s best advice for newly diagnosed: Find a safe community - don’t try to do this as an island, because it’s too much for one person to hold all on their own. All suffering is valid, it’s never helpful to say it could be worse.
- What it means to Katie to thrive with rheumatic disease: Using the “and” - this is hard and I want to laugh and make memories. It is embracing that and not putting life on hold. I remind myself that I’m doing my best.
Medical disclaimer:
All content found on Arthritis Life public channels was created for generalized informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Episode Sponsors
Rheum to THRIVE, an online course and support program Cheryl created to help people with rheumatic disease go from overwhelmed, confused and alone to confident, supported and connected. See all the details and join the program or waitlist now!
Episode details & Transcript:
Go to to the episode page on the Arthritis Life website for full episode details including a transcript and video!