Arthritis Life

“Healing is a Messy Process:” Sonia’s RA and Graves’ Disease Journey

Episode Summary

In this heartfelt and insightful conversation, Cheryl and Sonia discuss the power of mindfulness, self-compassion and community in their journeys.

Episode Notes

Sonia talks about how daily gratitude, yoga, medications, and the support of groups like Rheum to THRIVE have helped her pursue joy amidst the challenges of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Graves’ disease and other chronic conditions. 

Sonia shares how the Rheum to THRIVE support group provided her with the courage to be vulnerable and set boundaries. Cheryl and Sonia reflect on how these groups become sacred spaces where individuals can fully engage with their emotions, be witnessed without judgment, and sometimes find unexpected moments of humor and joy amidst the challenges.

The discussion offers valuable tips and relatable moments for anyone living with RA, with gentle reminders to take things one day at a time. Overall, Cheryl and Sonia encourage you to embrace acceptance and community so you can live a more empowered and fulfilling life with chronic illness.

Themes of the Episode

Medical disclaimer: 

All content found on Arthritis Life public channels was created for generalized informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

For full episode details include a transcript and video:

Go to the episode page on the Arthritis Life Website.