Arthritis Life

What’s it like to run Half Marathons with Autoimmune Disease?

Episode Summary

Gretchen shares how she pursued her dream of running half marathons despite an autoimmune diagnosis of sarcoidosis.

Episode Notes

After facing skepticism from some medical professionals who doubted her ability to run, Gretchen defied expectations and has completed over 100 half marathons, all while raising money and awareness for autoimmune causes. 

She and Cheryl also discuss the importance of self compassion in their journeys with chronic autoimmune disease. Gretchen shares why she resonates with progress over perfection and encourages others to be gentle with themselves while navigating life with autoimmune diseases. 

Gretchen shares how she found creative ways to raise awareness about autoimmune diseases, such as running two half-marathons on two coasts in two days to raise funds for autoimmune research at the Benaroya Research Institute. Through her experiences, Gretchen emphasizes the importance of perseverance, self-advocacy, and building a supportive community.  By sharing her story and promoting resilience, Gretchen aims to inspire hope and empower individuals to find purpose and joy in their own health journeys. 

Medical disclaimer: 

All content found on Arthritis Life public channels was created for generalized informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Episode Sponsors

Rheum to THRIVE, an online course and support program Cheryl created to help people with rheumatic disease go from overwhelmed, confused and alone to confident, supported and connected. See all the details and join the program or waitlist now! 

For full episode details including a transcript and video:

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